- The_Flamingo_guy left a commentJust to be clear all that stuff is part of the AY right? You aren't actually mad?
- The_Flamingo_guy left a commentIf I make an ay would you join?
- laybacksyria left a commentHey dude 👋
- mr12gage left a comment600 followers!!!
- display_napkin left a commentHello
- Plazmar0123 left a commentAy bro how have you been?
- StronkLogan left a commentYour creations are by far some of the best ive seen.
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- StronkLogan left a commentIm back, hurricane yeeted my town
- mr12gage left a commentIm sorry for what happend yesterday.
- mr12gage left a comment🍞
- mr12gage left a commentPan= yep its white
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- ArdentRam left a commentCan u help me with a broken character please?
- AlessikyXD left a commentHello
- littleguy259 left a commentBeans😂
- rileyb1345 left a commenthello
- pepsi_kitty10 left a commentHola mi amigo
- StronkLogan left a commentHi man,now ur back,wanna continue on the whole mr moderator thing?
- rileyb1345 left a commentHI HEY HELLO
- OfficerZNTP left a commentI am incredibly sorry for my actions. Please check out my latest creation for more
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- OWNERAjani247 left a commentTry What?
- Jp-The-Gamer94 left a commentWanna help me on“JP the human v2”?