- EyalPsr left a commentYour sprites are amazing if you will make more sprites from more games from the boy games or maybe the nes it will be great!!
- OWNERAwayCrash44 left a commentPokemon Home has been taken down
- Jack-Spermos left a commentYou could help me a bit. I'd just like to at least understand how you've done the trainer amims lol. Anyway have a nice day !
- Jack-Spermos left a commentHey there! I'm working onto a FFV inspired game, for now i'm trying to get the character animated, I reproduced the sprites from one of the character but I struggle quite a lot with logic and since you made that incredible pkmn trainer I was wondering if
- ZHunter1110 left a commentok i need your help
- ZHunter1110 left a commentmake a lavender town thing because it's October
- OWNERAwayCrash44 left a commentWelcome to my Dreams !!!