- Matneee left a commentSorry to bother you, but I read your comment on Skeet Jumping - thanks for the feedback btw. I've put in what I hope is a suitably accessible calibration tool now, and I was wondering if you could spare a moment to test it? No worries if not :-)
- coolmoc left a commentLove Eye Twoi. Anything with big eyes is cool. Thank you for a thumbs up. There will be at least 3-6 more of these narratives (don't know for sure yet). I want to be done with Mind Over Madness by 6-19 since 'Last Of Us II' releases then. Bye. - C.
- coolmoc left a commentThank you for the thumbs up. My next playable experience in June will really show who I am as you will enter my brain (in the game). My first series was like a love story and my second was a tribute to fictional horror. Hope you have fun. - C.