- Talisgamer66 left a commentSeason 2 for Battle for vbucks is in the works
- OWNERRaulTres left a comment6 creations are coming out one day...
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentok meme
- Mystical-me28 left a commentHi twin
- Kjmenji left a commentmystical-me28's TWIN???/??
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentWell Mr. Tails Ilooking at ocs just for fun then I saw yours and I was like "Stripey's stripe looks like my Maskot thing".So I just did a photo for fun. :)
- Talisgamer66 left a commentWhat's with the profile?
- Talisgamer66 left a commentBattle for V bucks episode 8 out now you can watch it!
- Talisgamer66 left a commentReul tres it won't let me friend you
- Talisgamer66 left a commentEpisode 8 for bfvb is almost done also wanna be friends
- Talisgamer66 left a commentEp 7 out
- Talisgamer66 left a commentEp6 is out
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentYeah sure
- ADA_Funni left a commentWanna make v5?
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentDemo is out
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentHave a happy thanksgiving
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentThe demo is coming out tomorrow
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentWobbly man the last adventure is coming out in 3 days
- Winter_487 left a commentThanks for playing Buggy Racing :) It's really appreciated
- OWNERRaulTres left a commentBecause you make cool suff
- Ajani247 left a commentWhy Did you follow me ?? <:|
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