- Heaven_Boy_2 left a comment😄
- Heaven_Boy_2 left a commentPlz follow me
- commanderGX left a commentNice rims
- Script-Kit left a commentLooked at your rim shop and HOLY MOLY thats alot of rims! Keep up the amazing collection!
- Script-Kit left a commentThanks for the nice comment man! I'll hope to have it drive sometime soon!
- Zippopot left a commentApparently replying doesn't go back to sender. So i'll reiterate. I like what you've been doing, i tried using your cobra body on my frame, but it just explodes, probably a promblem with moveable objects inside the group.
- OWNERRazerNFS512 left a commentWorks now! Thank you :P
- TexRaines left a commentSorry, I released crashed space pods levels separate in hopes its fixes it