- Jake_Cake12 left a commentI'm still waiting for you to play Dreams again
- ping_blocks left a commentDan tdm please eat my car
- Ancient_plays205 left a commentLiterally every comment is hi dan or play more dreams
- happy-kitten10 left a commentDan your my favrot YouTuber
- Jake_Cake12 left a commentDan PLEASE PLEASE play dreams again!
- Eliscore left a commentPray to our god
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- buttfaces4eva left a commentCool fact oof But i whish made more videos of him playing dreams
- oof-plays-yt left a commentfun fact: he only played during Early Access, then he stopped playing forever.
- Midnight_Kit8 left a commentHello.
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- RholanT left a commentamogus
- AeolisFFXI left a commentIT'S HIM! I used to watch your videos (and I still do).
- hoogieboogie2014 left a commentHaven't watched your videos in ages! I always watched your Minecraft videos back in 2014, it feels really nostalgic looking back at that! :D
- wxldflowr left a commentPlay skate 3 again
- Giro_da1 left a commentPls play my games
- Entropi86 left a commentHe's almost got more followers then me
- MrYeetBoi0121 left a commentWow, haven't watched you in a loong time. When did your book come out? I got it release day
- Quick2Vince left a commentWhy, hello there king of YT ( even though its pewdiepie but still )
- LisssardMan left a commentreboot the dr tray series
- Pixelboy2007 left a commentPlay dreams again please! And play my stuff.
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- lil_bro5544 left a commentWhen i watch dans mine craft custom mod adventures it brings me back to the old times man i miss the old times <:)
- lil_bro5544 left a commentI like to watch dans minecraft custom mod adventures