Kay's JRPG Test
By kaytanna22
- BlaccSheep92 left a commentI would totally play this when its finished! Im always hoping to see more people make jrpgs in dreams. If you ever need help with anything let me know.
- OWNERkaytanna22 left a commentyes, saving an element from a scene means you also need to keep the scene the element came from. Space is not an issue however, as you can save everything to the dreamiverse, rather then local and even archive the scene if you don't want it.
- OWNERkaytanna22 left a commentthe only thing I might do, is seperate some of the game states into seperate scenes (I.E. splitting combat and exlploration into thier own scenes), as of right now this is all running inside one scene, so the gameplay is more bloated then it needs to be.
- OWNERkaytanna22 left a commentThere's alot that needs fixing yet, But I wanted to take a break from looking at all of the logic, and get some other eyes on the project. Its in a state that is at the very least, playable, so I proud to have made it this far
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled