- knes15 left a commentLove it. It's a shame it had to be criminally censored lol
- brandon-bhoy left a commentWould've been an entry to the Classic Novel Jam
- brandon-bhoy left a comment:)
- Jrange378 left a commentIf everybody just blocks hellgirl, she cant see your levels, and therefore cannot report them.
- PGray_Official left a commentO
- OWNERFunK_97_ITA left a commentHellgirl has been blocked : )
- Floyd-Burger left a commentThis scenario and conversation is truly the most tragic thing on this site.
- x_JakeOff_x left a commentHELLGIRL04 and I'm not butthurt I just don't like people like you.
- VALA80 left a commentI'm still alive and kicking baby, at least I'm not the one crying about fake videogame girls ;)
- cr0nikz420 left a commentLove this
- Tzun left a commentYou oughta censor the buldge on the bearded guy standing next to 4 guys on the couch too 😆
- Comment moderated
- Bevis2 left a commentI am sorry this happened. There was no graphic nudity I saw in the original. I think it was palatable for anyone to see. Shame. I love your spiteful reupload
- jacob0608lucas left a commentJust why
- ROITANA left a commentSo what can we say about simple puppet for people who don't know how to sculpt? They're already naked lol
- x_JakeOff_x left a commentLmao you're a legend. You should call this the "HELLGIRL04 edit"
- Cableska left a commentA bit of the ol' ultra censorship.
- RETzilla_ left a commentRight,right
- TheWickerMan69 left a commentI bloomin love this well done. Its a shame you have had to censor it. I was going to do the movie poster for the film but this is just too good. Please make more like this. I have just started on Eraserhead lets see how that goes :)
- EBK-casper left a commentWhy is this censored? MM we need a mature tag. This is ridiculous you had to censor 50% of the art in this level. WE NEED A MATURE TAG
- DioNisioCaRDeNas left a commentYou guys did an incredible job with this scene
- VALA80 left a commentOvviamente non cancellate la versione non censurata dalle vostre PS4! Potreste ripubblicarla in futuro.
- VALA80 left a commentCon i cartelli censored sembra ancora più kubrickiano :) comunque ripensandoci avete fatto bene a ripubblicarlo perché è un lavoro ottimo che va condiviso con tutti, vediamo come i MediaMolecule sistemeranno questo benedetto tool di moderazione.
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