By felix_faris
- TheNamelesGhst12 left a commentYou see, this comment section is exactly why I no longer create still scenes or art.
- Vainio left a commentYou know, some people are just being nice to give your creation thumb up. Perhaps they would have expected more to be really impressed but (for some reason) didn't find appropriate to actually point it out, so they just settled to what you offered?
- Vainio left a commentI would never thumb down anyone's comment. What has been said, has been said. That how communication works. There is ALWAYS some logical explanation behind every comment so I consider it mere stupidity to judge any statement without further investigation.
- This comment was downvoted by the coMmunity
- This comment was downvoted by the coMmunity
- ROITANA left a commentLooks great but by seeing the two big rocks far away and their positions, I expected them to collapse 🤣
- Danpez890 left a commentRealistic
- DannyPwned left a commentHope to see more from you my friend I really like this scene and the sfx
- DannyPwned left a commentAmazing on acid
- Vainio left a commentIs this some sort of practice to create more complicated scene, or were you merely bored and did this to kill time?
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled