- TheFlamingRabbit left a commentWhat happened to Sonic in Minecraft?
- Winterfell_0_0_ left a commentAwesome content
- oZincr left a commentHjjggh
- Evil_Skylite left a commentHi can u animate on a JW game
- Br_D_S left a commentVai Corinthians
- N2OAddict89 left a commentI love Sonic in minecraft! Btw
- duple-poster4 left a commentHello Could you help animate a Sonic game im working on? :)
- kira__awman left a commentI Have The Same Name As U Bruh
- StarPenguin99 left a commentHi lol
- Mankind786Da3rd left a commentCan you go back to update Sonic Minecraft :( Because i want to see want happen now because you just hit 2000 like so plz update Sonic Minecraft
- xonegativecreep left a commentYou make good levels
- lucasuper98 left a commentGood job
- blazerball234 left a commentHey man are you intrested in being part of a flash project? We already made the model we just need some help with his running animations. It would be so awsome if you could help me out
- comedybro88 left a commentCan you tell Kermideus to unblock me?