- brantleyiscool left a commentMy apologies for calling your work "overrated"
- zgz93 left a commentGreat
- brandon-bhoy left a commentHey Orion, is it okay if you can remove the creation I sent you cause it feels a bit too long for the jam
- misterfuraredes left a commentThank you so much for the follow. As I said to black cats, it's really an honor and also thank you and everyone involved in the Music Community in Dreams for keeping it alive and better than ever and showing how much you can go and do with Dreams.
- cloudrising9 left a commentWas great reading about your Dreams adventures in The Impsider. More sweet than bitter. Keep dreaming!
- Yusaghi left a commentA bit late to say this, but congrats on getting an article on the Impsider.
- sunny_daban left a commentawesome
- TheGreatSeishin left a commentEnjoy your work
- CW-LT-555 left a commentNice creations!
- darkgeek616 left a commentCan you make Lovelitchi as an imp?
- The_chrnoxx left a commentAwesome
- safucot left a commentGreat!
- LexRevolter left a commentNice music
- SoulKeybladur left a commentAmazing
- Mike__1983 left a commentHello
- LucasDiasC left a commentGello
- Carissababydoll left a commentThat was beautful, I am proud to be me
- ady_shady1 left a commentYooo Thanks for the follow :D
- tony1979 left a commentHello. Do you have a Discord username, so I can add you to the DF server?
- NAMORDE_ left a commentHi Orion! Im workin on a song and need background vocals to make it sound like a crowd singing. Are you willing to work with me on it?
- QuixoticRabbit left a commentNeato
- moorpheus663 left a commentVery nice collection Orion . Love the style !
- aztaaskh left a commentCongratulations For 1000 FOLLOWERS
- Sheik13_LoZ left a comment🐶 🐶 🐶
- pinealgod left a commentThats one wild looking imp
- PandaSaurusRex15 left a commentU got sum big impy lips, they aight tho