Story Ay boss fight
By Slimapio and 5 collaborators
- Komunal1975 left a commentIt says -EDIT CANCLED- if shes too big
- JokerFatty left a commentIM NOT DELETING ANYONE!!!Either they were editing when I was or they didn't save their version properly
- TheKIDofSPACE left a comment#Hi WHO DELETED ME!?!?
- JokerFatty left a commentNinja kid left so now its (9/10)
- skyboiten left a commentStop sizing me normal
- JokerFatty left a commentSHE'S GETTING BIGGER BY THE MINUTE
- skyboiten left a commentSTOP DELETING ME!
- JokerFatty left a commentYou got too close to the bot skyboiten
- mcwitherzberry left a commentCan i join?
- Mdn-Upt left a commentWhat is this?
- JokerFatty left a commentBut I need neiltoons to stop editing
- JokerFatty left a commentI need to enable animation mode
- JokerFatty left a commentMy villian's confused
- Comment deleted
- JokerFatty left a commentJOIN?
- QTM-Zeno left a commentj o j
- Komunal1975 left a commentGUYS I HAD BLACK IMP
- Komunal1975 left a commentI think i join
- skyboiten left a comment-Former-Dreamer i just came on top so what do we do now
- Ray_Studios left a commentI dont get the point of AY is it a hobby ?
- neiltoonsgamer13 left a commentJoino?
- skyboiten left a commentWere on top
- skyboiten left a commentJoin?
- KhaosQZ left a commentJoin?
- -Former-Dreamer left a commentI honestly think that the robot Couldn't survive that... Right?
- OWNERSlimapio left a commentWow kayplays block me i honestly couldn't care less
- kayplays2008 left a commentThe ship is only for decorative.
- OWNERSlimapio left a comment2 PEOPLE ARE EDIT!!
- -Former-Dreamer left a commentIM HOLDING A SHIP! IM HOLDING A SHIP
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled