- merkucjo22 left a commentWhen you finish this? Looks very well.
- Mr-Pickles666999 left a commentSick!
- Fab_sNetwork left a commentJe veux jouer a ce jeux , please ;) .
- superice3000 left a commentI worked on the original 64 version. Nice to see some love for pod racing again.
- elgaga left a commentI have to show you something
- bugzkilla left a commentNow this is podracing!
- TeckTheMercenary left a commentEver since i rediscovered dreams like 3 months ago, and the fact that itll be VR capable, this is my #1 dream i wanted to play in vr. Best of luck, cant wait <3
- Comment deleted
- Rhodochrone left a commentWHOAAA
- Sabretooth2121 left a commentThis is amazing! Thank you for using my R2D2!
- elgaga left a commentI am doing same ! But i try to make it move, and that's very hard. Perfect design bro
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v3.1 "Triceratops" Alex Evans mode enabled